This API is for use only by registered, approved affiliates of Any other use or attempted use is strictly forbidden. If you wish to integrate use of ths API into your site please create an account and apply to be an affiliate at

The API is currently...
Parameter Explanation
Affiliate ID Numeric value available on your affiliate page on
Affiliate Password Alphanumeric value available on your affiliate page on

A comma-separated list of up to 20 ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 values.

Example: 9780321558237,0073383090,0321385179,978-0618374205

API JSON Response Properties
Parameter Explanation
Affiliate ID Numeric value available on your affiliate page on
Affiliate Password Alphanumeric value available on your affiliate page on

A comma-separated list of up to 20 ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 values.

Example: 9780321558237,0073383090,0321385179,978-0618374205

API Responses
Error Code = 0
HTTP Code = 200
Successful Submission

We have tried to remove all ambiguity across all our API responses by making sure that all authenticated responses include all the same response fields. Thus, the errorCode property is present in successful, valid submissions, but it is equal to 0 to indicate there was no error. The intent is that you will check the success property and only consider the errorCode value is success == false.[AFFILIATE ID #]/[AFFILIATE PASSWORD]/9780321558237,0073383090,0321385179

    "server": "production.[AFFILIATE ID #]",
    "version": "04-25-24-205758",
    "success": true,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "message": "",
    "offers": {
        "9780321558237": {
            "isbn": "9780321558237",
            "offer": 0,
            "link": "http:\/\/\/cart\/affiliate\/[AFFILIATE ID #]\/9780321558237"
        "0073383090": {
            "isbn": "9780073383095",
            "offer": 47.78,
            "link": "http:\/\/\/cart\/affiliate\/[AFFILIATE ID #]\/9780073383095"
        "0321385179": {
            "isbn": "9780321385178",
            "offer": 2.61,
            "link": "http:\/\/\/cart\/affiliate\/[AFFILIATE ID #]\/9780321385178"
    "elapsedTime": "0.011",
    "rpm": 5000

Error Code = 1
HTTP Code = 503
Down for Maintenance

In some rare occasions we may have to take deactivate affiliate access to the API for maintenance purposes.

In these cases, the response will be identical to a valid submission except that all offers will be set to $0.00.

Error Code = 2
Failed Authentication

This will be the response to all requests with invalid credentials.[AFFILIATE ID #]/[INVALID AFFILIATE PASSWORD]/9780321558237,0073383090

    "server": "production",
    "version": "04-25-24-205758",
    "success": false,
    "errorCode": 2,
    "message": "Authentication failed.",
    "offers": [],
    "rpm": 5000

Error Code = 3
Inactive Affiliate Account

This will be the response to all requests with valid credentials, but when your account has been deactivated.[AFFILIATE ID #]/[AFFILIATE PASSWORD]/9780321558237,0073383090,0321385179,978-0618374205

    "server": "production.[AFFILIATE ID #]",
    "version": "04-25-24-205758",
    "success": false,
    "errorCode": 3,
    "message": "Your affiliate account is inactive.",
    "offers": [],
    "rpm": 5000

Error Code = 4
Empty Request

This will be the response to all requests that do not include any ISBNs to process.[AFFILIATE ID #]/[AFFILIATE PASSWORD]/

    "server": "production.[AFFILIATE ID #]",
    "version": "04-25-24-205758",
    "success": true,
    "errorCode": 4,
    "message": "No ISBN values submitted for lookup.",
    "offers": [],
    "elapsedTime": "0.0098",
    "rpm": 5000
Error Code = 5
Throttled Request

If you send requests at too fast of a rate then certain requests will be throttled. We throttle requests on a per/minute basis with no carry-over blocking. That means if you send too many requests in one minute, some of those will be processed fully and some will be throttled, but that has no impact on what happens in the next minute.

We currently allow up to 5000 requests per minute for all affiliates. Please configure your system to honor this limit.

If you exceed the throttling limit then our API will respond with the standard 429 Too Many Requests HTTP response.